Wednesday, August 6, 2008

She moves!

So, exciting news. The baby has been moving around for about a month, but has really picked up on strength. She kicks HARD and you can sometimes even see my belly move. Last night was the first time that Jeff got to feel her kicks. I think he has been doubting how strong she is, but I convinced him to feel it and I dont think he could believe it how much you can feel it. At first I think he thought it was me (as if I can punch from the inside...) but was then fascinated by how often and how hard the little kicks come. Besides punching to the outside world, she likes to kick me on the inside and remind me she is in there. This little one is not to be ignored...

1 comment:

Anne Ferge said...

Hooray! We are sooooooooo excited for you! This blog is great. It's like being right there with you. Your crib and bedding are beautiful!!