Wednesday, September 9, 2009

People of Walmart...

Ok, there is this funny webpage called and it is hilarious! You can post pictures on there of people (only at Walmart, I guess) who go out in public looking a mess. There are mullets and wife-beaters galore, lots of men in drag (not sure if all are on purpose) and thick women dressed in tiny, tiny clothes. I have been cracking up looking at the pics. Some might say it is mean- i personally think if you show up in public dressed like that, you are asking for some attention. I just cannot believe there are people out there gutsy enough to take pictures of strangers in a store- but thank goodness they do. he he he he! This pic is one of my personal fav's- what was this guy thinking? Are these underos?

1 comment:

Catherine Anne said...

Oh MY! At whole foods the other day this woman on the heavy side had a shirt on. You know the shirts much like a dress just without the length of a dress. She was wearing it as a dress and when she bent over to fill her bag with nuts. OH MY Her white cotten granny panties were hanging out everywhere! A Beths eye grew wide and she looked at me like what is she thinking? What are they thinkng. Funny you post this now your dad was just talking about how he was watching all the crazy people walk in and out of walmart while waiting on mom the other day.