Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dreams Deflated

Allergy testing today- she tolerated the baked-in milk but the cheese was a no-go. She had a large hive to the skin test for the cheese so we were not able to do the challenge. She did eat a cupcake made with milk and butter, but since she cannot have baked-in eggs, I am not really sure if we made any progress.

On a funny note- Jeff thought that if she tolerated "baked-in" milk she could eat nachos, lasagne, scalloped potatoes etc. He thought baked-in meant "heated" or "melted/ warmed-up." He asked the allergist who actually laughed at him because I think he thought he was joking. Poor guy, was planning a lunch of cheesy bratwurst.


Laurie said...

Bummer....not sure what "baked in milk" really offers you. Why are baked in eggs out?

Our little Vegan + Meat Sweetie!

I'll have to add that I overheard my colleague who is Vegan talking today complaining that everyone asks her "why?" and wants to force foods on her and she wants to say, "well, you should eat Vegan and feel great with more energy and be more environmental" and it kind of got me thinking.....but I couldn't give up a good Medium Grilled Filet!

Nicole said...

Lauren's allergy testing to eggs was very high and we have always avoided all forms of eggs (ie she hasn't ever had the birthday cake at a party...) and no-one is willing to even try a baked in challenge until her skin and/ or blood tests come down a little more. I could never be vegan- the cheese would be even harder on me than the meat!! Oh, and Jeff has labeled her a Meagan (meat-eating vegan).