Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HOV Rules

Today Lauren, Casey and I were running errands, and we noticed how fast the HOV lane was moving. We were wondering- do we count as two or more people now- Lauren, Casey, and I? Technically we are 2 people, right? Or does it only count people who are old enough to drive. Considering how much work it is to pack up and bring along a baby, I think you should be able to use the HOV lanes, but I really dont want to get pulled over. Does anyone know the rules? If I see a policeman, I am going to ask them...


Anne said...

Quite certain you do not qualify as an HOV traveler with your own child and dog. You're just a normal mom with her family. You need to have multiple people who have come together in one vehicle to save on gas, pollution, etc. to qualify as a carpool.
Good try though!!

Laurie said...

You do count!! If they say you don't, just ask the officer if he is really willing to tell you that your daughter is not a person!!! It worked for a friend of friend of mine in Salt Lake. I would try it!