Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reading the sunday paper

Lauren says thank you to Grandma V for this great idea. My mom told me she used to tape colorful parts of the newspaper to the wall when I was a baby to keep me interested/ stimulated. I have actually seen pictures of me as a baby in my swing with the sunday funnies taped to the wall. Sounds like a good idea, and today Lauren and I gave it a try. She tends to get mad and cry when I change her diaper, so I tried a little distraction technique. I taped the sunday comics to the wall next to her changing pad and read them to her while i changed her diaper and her clothes. IT WORKED! She didn't cry, she actually smiled and laughed. This is going to be a new part of our nursery decor- comics or fliers taped to the wall. She just stares at them, and when she kicks them it makes a rattling sound she likes. Cheaper than another mobile, not quite as classy looking... thanks mom for yet another great tip! What would I do without you??


Anne said...

What a great idea! Look at how smart you turned out!! I love all of the beautiful colors in Lauren's outfits. She is the best dressed girl around! You are sooooo blessed to have such a beautiful, sweet baby.

Nicole said...

She is a snappy dresser! Many thanks to everyone who keeps her in nice clothes, it seems no-one can help themselves. Between my friend Anne and Grandma V, Lauren will be the best dressed baby in Denver! (notice i dont take any blame my self for all of her clothes...)