Monday, August 24, 2009

Orange nose

Lauren has an orange-ish nose. I have always thought this was strange, but Jeff poo-poos it and says it is all in my head. Well, I didn't want to run to the pediatrician and have them check her Bili to see if she is jaundice (well, yes I did want to, but I am somewhat reasonable). Today my friend at work commented on it. So, I typed into google "Why does my baby have an orange nose?" Turns out that is common in babies that eat a lot of carrots and sweet potatoes- something about beta carotene.

Hmmmm... I wonder how people raised children before the internet?


Krista said...

I think they asked their mothers, grandmothers, aunts...women had more of a community of mothering years ago I think. The answers they got probably varied in reliability vs. old wives tales but in either case it calmed their minds :)

Laurie said...

Joe's Mom claimed he only wanted to eat carrots when he was a baby and she says he was orange too!

Does she like cheerios? Her and Ella can share!