Friday, May 25, 2012


Today Lauren had her first playdate. I got a call at 8am from a new neighbor of ours wondering if Lauren wanted to come over for a playdate this afternoon. Of course she did- it was at her new friend Mallory's house and she was wanting to see her. Then the worrying began- I dont really know the playdate ettiquite. Am I supposed to drop her off or stay with her while she is there? I phoned a few friends- all seemed as unsure as I was. Turns out I am the one adventuring into suburbia and I need to gather the info for our group of urban mommies. OK- so here is the skinny, I was supposed to just leave her. I found this out when Mallory the 3 year old asked her mom "why is Lauren's mommy still here?". That was my cue to ask Mallory's mommy what she expected, and she sent me away! Whew! Well I got that figured out (sort-of), now I am not sure on the ettiquite on when I return the favor? Any tips- how soon should I return the invite? When I picked L back up, I asked the mommy when I could return the favor and she was vague "whenever" so I am not sure what to do. I got laundry done, dinner organized and the kitchen cleaned up (glamorous use of time, I know) all while Lauren happily played at a neighbor's house. So, this is what its like in the 'burbs? Nice!


Laurie said...

Gotta LOVE taking directions from a 3 year old!

Yay for the burbs and playdates!

Krista said...

I don't know if it's regional or just depends on the parents but we *just* started always leaving Alex at parties last year in 1st grade. And we have only left Maya (she's 4.5 and in preschool) alone at a very few houses where we know both parents pretty well. In second grade I still always ask the other parent what their expectations are and if it's a party I ask if they need any extra adult help. If the party or playdate is at a home we've never been to before I also always ask if they have guns and if so if those guns are locked up. That seems to be more likely an issue for boys ("let me show you my dad's gun" type thing) but I ask regardless which kid is going there. There are some families, some friends from school that I honestly would just have the playdate at my own home and won't let my kids go to the other child's home without me. Not that they are bad people but it's amazing the vast differences there are in what one family vs. another considers appropriate background television, appropriate conversation in front of the kids, what other adult siblings or other adult relatives might live in the home that I've not met or know anything about, etc.