Monday, July 19, 2010

Time Out

We have started to implement “time-out” for Lauren, and a funny thing happened this weekend. She was getting a bit feisty and she hit me, so I made her go into time out- we have her sit on the floor in her room and close the door for a minute. Then I came back and we talked about how she should be gentle and not hit mommy, that it hurts. She told me she was sorry and gave me a hug and a kiss too. So sweet, I am thinking maybe I can get a handle on this parenting thing. Then about a half hour later she hits me again- I think. She had a toy in her hand and just lightly hit my face, so I wasn’t sure if it was an accident. Until I saw her face with G-U-I-L-T written all over it. She looked like she was about to cry and said “hurts”. Then she climbed down off the chair we were sitting on, walked into her room and closed the door. SHE PUT HERSELF IN TIME OUT! How easy was that? Now I only hope she is good at grounding herself, too…


Laurie said...

Wow! Maybe you want to invite Ella to "improve your attitude camp with Aunt Nicole" for a weekend?

We had reports of hitting and scratching at daycare today......

Catherine Anne said...

Sounds great. What a smart little one she is. We have always done time outs per how ever old the child is. It has worked like a charm.