Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

*I know this post is way late, but with the loss of my hard drive I haven't had pics to post. Luckily I made a disk for my mom with these*
Mothers Day 2011. My mom came to visit and we had a nice (but quick) weekend. We picked her up at the airport- and Lauren and I waited at the top of the escalator with a cute sign she had made.

We also got a ton of yardwork done with my mom there to help keep an eye on the little girl. Jeff said "I love it when your mom comes out!" We really feel the pain of how hard it is with no family around us when we have the brief glimpse of what it would be if they lived closer.

On Sunday we ran a 5k race that ended in Coors Field. It was  a really fun time. I registered us for the race on my mom's birthday and emailed her the registration as part of her bday gift. She claimed she thought I was trying to kill her, but she trained for it and had a good time.  She broke her hand the week prior to the race, so us girlies ended up walking more than running, since the cast on her arm made it seem ridiculous for running. We had a great walk, and joked as we passed a crazy girl in stilletos and an older man on crutches. There may have been a very pregnant lady on the walk that we will not be mentioning (as we watched her swinging pony tail get farther and farther away...).

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Love it! Nice Shirt Nicole!