Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Overdue and blue

We went to the OB again yesterday, the update is not exciting. Nothing at all going on with the baby- zero signs that I am getting ready for labor. This could be a while, and might not happen on its own. So please dont hold your breath waiting for our excited phone call. We are just going to work and going on about life, in the next day or so we may have a back-up plan finalized in case I dont go into labor by the weekend- and it doesn't seem super likely that I will. In the meantime- say a prayer for us that my body cooperates and we can meet baby soon- I am really sad and down-in-the-dumps about this dissapointing news. Will keep everyone posted if any changes. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Try a long walk and some Mexican food. Go out for dinner every night this week - it will soon become too hard and you'll want to keep baby away from germs too.