Sunday, February 26, 2012


We have a  POD parked in front of our house and are supposed to have it filled by Sunday night. I have a sinus infection and cannot sleep, we are not packed, I need to set up appointments with the flooring people, mortgage people, realtor to measure and take pictures (WHAT! OF THIS MESS!), and maybe hire a painter (REALLY? PAY SOMEONE TO PAINT?). Oh, and I am giving a lecture wednesday morning (NOT STARTED YET), meeting with my boss on Tuesday regarding my future (kinda hope he fires me...), evaluations for one of my residents due on 2/1/2012 and a meeting re: the other resident I mentor. Oh, and Casey is sick and has we are not sure what is up- likely something very bad and we are not sure what to do, and I do have the at pretty little girl named Lauren running around who I would like to pay a moment of attention to. Perhaps I will find time to do a load of laundry becaue all I have are two black bras left and I am running out of dark shirts to wear them under, and the grocery store is only 2 miles away and surely contains more than pizza and spaghetti and we are out of Kleenex and  bread anyway...... AAAHhhhhh- Choooo!!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hang in there friend! Wish we could have taken Lauren tubing with us today!

If you get fired, meet us in Disneyland next week! :-)