Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Deadlines...homework.... I've got a lot on my plate. It is time to renew my BCOP (Board Certified Oncology Pharmacist) this year, and I have to submit all of my final continuing education work by the 30th of November. AAHHH!! I am behind, and it is very challenging stuff- I already have done the stuff I find interesting, so I have statistics and a bunch of lame adult cancers to work on (prostate, breast, lung.... things I am not super into reading about). This is gonna be brutal, I should have gotten more of my 100 hours done before Lauren was born- I just had no idea....

To top it off, lots of deadlines at work. I have to finish a big presentation for my work "competency" by the first week of December- what?? How am I going to get this all done? Maybe I am better off incompetent?? LOL_ not really- just sounds tempting.  I'll get it done- suppose I should not be blogging.... better get to work!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

You can do it! Let Lauren play with all her new toys and you just work, work, work!!! I wish I could just come pick her up and let the munchkins entertain eachother!