Tuesday, February 16, 2010

High fevers

Lauren is sick- I guess it is just a virus, but she doesn't have much for symptoms besides high fevers and she gets purple lips and fingers with the fevers. When this happened, we came down to Denver (we were in WP- altitude 10,000 ft) and we actually took her to the pediatrician. She has a red throat and the MD thought it was just a virus and the fevers were causing her to clamp down and thus the purple lips. Within 2 hrs of leaving the pediatrician she was febrile to 105.5 degress (yes, I checked it three times alternating ears- I got 105.5 twice and 105.4 once) and was shivering. I put her in the bath tub to try to make her feel better and called the pediatrician on call. We were close to hitting the ER with her, but were able to bring down her fever with Motrin. I was up a lot last night with her, but she is doing much better today. She is just crabby and sleepy, but with tylenol and motrin she has been doing OK. She is super-snuggly.


Laurie said...

Thinking of you guys! Keep us posted!

Jenilee said...

wow... hopped over from catherine anne's blog... sorry your baby is sick too! hope she feels better soon!

Joe said...

Crazy, sorry to hear that... hope she feels better soon

Catherine Anne said...

Oh no Lauren is sick too. So sorry. Hope she feels better soon:)