Saturday, February 20, 2010

Over the hump, but WOW!

So, an update on Lauren. This week has been a long one, really long and kinda scary. Lauren has been very sick, and we have been at the doctor almost daily, along with frequent phone calls back and forth with the pediatricians. We are lucky to have a very thorough, patient peditrician office, because we have taken a lot of their time this week. As I posted earlier, Lauren started out the week with very high fevers. By Wednesday she was lethargic and just laying around- sicker than I have ever seen her and she really had me scared. When I brought her back in on wednesday, the pediatrician was clearly worried about her too. She had antibiotic shots, blood cultures drawn, a complete blood count and a strep test. She had a severe ear infection and tonsilitis, neither of which were there 48 hours earlier when we brought her in monday night.  We had to bring her back Thursday for another round of shots and to be checked out. The doctors office also called us twice Wednesday and once thursday am to check on her. Well, her fevers are finally gone and she is feeling a bit better, although still pretty drained and her ears and throat still hurt. Tonight she broke out with a very sudden rash all over her body, of course I am still a bit freaked out so I called the doctor on call.  He told me he thought she may have roseola, and it all really fits. He was so nice and made us feel like we were no bother at all, we really have a great pediatrician! Whew! I hope this means she is on the mend! She has to heal up for Florida!


Laurie said...

Thanks for the updated! I loved your earlier post and it made me feel better that she was up and about and causing trouble!!! Check my blog --- I had to link your story!!

I would have been so freaked out!!! Great job parents!

Anne said...

Oh my! I bet Grandma Veryl wishes she could jump on a plane and be there to snuggle her!

Catherine Anne said...

Oh no, Im sorry. Its so hard to see them sick. I took Lauren today as well. :(