Saturday, March 12, 2011

Crib- GONE!

Remember how excited I was when I got Lauren's crib? Well, it is GONE! I listed it on Craig's list yesterday and sold it (for $200) within an hour. Whew, that was easy! So, we had to put together the toddler bed last night after dinner so she had somewhere to sleep, she was really proud and slept all night in it- no problem.  Are we the only people who just up and sell a crib without testing how she will do in a toddler bed? Jeff thinks I am a bit nuts sometimes.... But she did sleep in a twin bed up in Winter Park last weekend and did fine, and I thought that the crib would take a while to sell.  Anyway, I will try to add a picture of her showing off her new bed, it is really cute ($59 at

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