Friday, March 18, 2011

Gymboree Glamour Safari

Calling all shoppers!! Jeff's cousin's daughter had this dress last summer and I loved it! By the time I decided Lauren needed it, I couldn't find it in her size. I thought, no worries....I will just buy it at the outlet next year. You see, Gymboree Outlet always sells the prior years clothes, in the appropriate season one year later. Well, I hit the outlet today and they have the Glamour Safari collection in the store (amongst a million other cute things) but not this dress. I really want the dress in a 3T and the matching brown sandals. If you are at a Gymboree Outlet, please look for it for me and I will pay you back!!
I did find it used on ebay, but with shipping and all...i am sure I could get a new one at the outlet.  I really love this whole collection and am hoping more pieces show up in the outlets. I was discouraged by them not having the dress, and I really cannot shop with Lauren because she is such a stinker, and so I spent the day shopping and only got her a couple sun hats (which she really needed). I would like to find this dress before our trip to Mexico in April.I might have to make time to shop without her, she needs some clothes for the trip. Can you believe its almost time for shorts, sandalls and sundresses???

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