Saturday, November 15, 2008

BIG Belly

This is what 38 weeks pregnant looks like. :) Shockingly huge, I know- if feels even weirder than it looks. I still am feeling very well, and things are going great. We are just getting excited and anxious for her arrival. I am "nesting" I think- and my sweet hubby is kind enough to be helping me this weekend with my urgent need to scrub and disinfect every baseboard and crack with a scrub-brush until it sparkles. Jeff doesn't believe that the compulsive cleaning thing is nesting- he thinks I am just losing my mind, but he is helping none-the-less. What a sweet heart. It has to be hard not to chip in though, when I am crawling around on the floor looking this big!


Anonymous said...

I though black was supposed to be slimming.
I think you look SUPER! Thanks for putting the picture on your blog or I would never know what you looked like. Love ya, Miss ya and can't wait to come and see EVERYONE. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...


You look beautiful and can hardly wait to see the new little girl.

Love ya