Saturday, February 5, 2011


Yep, we have made it through this winter nearly unscathed by respiratory viruses until now. The scarriest sounding one of all~ Croup. The little princess sounds like a seal from the zoo, and puked blueberries all over her bed last night from coughing so hard. This morning the wheezing continued for several hours after she got up, and wouldn't stop from steam or going outside in the cold (the cold thing made me feel super mean, btw). So off to the pediatrian's office we went, and now Lauren is on the 'roids.  So much for our Super Bowl party plans for tomorrow, guess we are holed up in the house with our little germ-riddled child.  I am hoping for a quick recovery, she sure doesn't feel well today.

1 comment:

Catherine Anne said...

So Sorry! Sweet Pea has the same. It started in last Fri. How diffrent is that. Hugs to you all.