Saturday, February 28, 2009

Box wine

So, there seems to be this new thing about box wine. The whole time I was pregnant I was hearing about the changes in box wine and how good it is now. That they are making higher quality wines in boxes, because the packaging has been improved and it is a fine way to store good wine. I was excited and anxious to be back in the wine drinking scene to try these out. Well, I really haven't been all that impressed. Shortly after Lauren was born I bought a box of the Black Box brand Chardonnay. I thought it was OK, but not really my thing. It really could have been because it was so soon after the birth- it has taken me some time to get my taste back for things- I still am kinda weird about beer (hard to believe I know...). Recently I tried the Black box brand of pinot grigio, and did not like it that much either. Has anyone else tried the wine in a box? I like the concept, but still need to find a wine that tastes good- please share any recommendations.


Laurie said...

I haven't tried any. My new wine is New Age -- give it a try! I wish I could have you over for a glass. Your taste will come back...give it a little more time. I can now finally eat things and have them taste right. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!! Hang in there Mommy (and full time daddy too).

Krista said...

I've tried a few so called "high end" box wines and they were ok but not great. I don't even remember which brands anymore.
I am by no means a wine expert..but I enjoy wine.
I would much rather by a couple bottles of something local than the box even though the convenience of it sounds appealing.