Monday, February 2, 2009

Coping with a cold...

I have more to post- we just had a nice visit with Jeff's family, and have some nice pictures. Unfortunately along with all of the visitors came a virus, and Lauren and I are under the weather, and Jeff has been sneezing so he is coming along with us I think. Poor Lauren has a pittiful cough, and just cries- big crocodile tears, breaks my heart in two. We aren't resting much, will catch up with some family vacation photos soon. In the meantime, will take advice on managing a cold in a 8 week-old baby, I am kinda worried/ nervous about the whole thing. Good news, she doesn't mind the bulb-suction ( I think this means I am not aggressive enough??).


Krista said...

Only use the bulb if she can't breath or nurse...otherwise the more you suck out the more seems to produce! Also, it will really piss her off but they make this saline mist called "Little Noses" you can spray up her nose to loosen everything suctioning necessary unless you need should just start to run a bit. It so hard to watch them feeling yucky when they are so little!

Joe said...

Well, Ella is sick too (along with Laurie) and she absolutely hates the suction thing... we are talking bloody murder screams..we also use the little pink saline stuff that laurie got at the pharmacy... hoe you all get better

Laurie said...

The biggest help is the humidifier and we put a pillow under her mattress to raise her head - that is how we all got sleep last night! I'm not sure if the saline bullets help or not, but we do it a few times a day and she hates it!!! Tylenol seems to take the edge off for her as well, but I try to only give it to her at night.