Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yesterday was the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Jeff and I went and had the best time- it was like Christmas morning!! We usually go every year, but had to miss out last year because I was pregnant. We had a great time and tasted many yummy beers. I discovered a new favorite brewery Cascade Brewery - they had a great kriek and apricot ale. I dont think you can get it outside of Oregon. We had our pretzel necklaces, but noticed a new trend- there were some girls with cheese sticks and slim jims on their necklace along with the pretzels- great idea!

One of the many silly outfits.

This is Diana- a friend from work. She was a volunteer beer pourer. Jeff and I used to volunteer, but this year we couldn't committ to the time because of Lauren- maybe next year!

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