Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Following my blog...

Ok, so I added this tool- see the right margin. It is a place you can sign in and "follow" my blog. I am not sure what all it does, it somehow updates you when I post, i think. I will be interested to hear what it does. But, if you are checking in with me, please add yourself as a follower, it will make me feel more like I actually have an audience reading all of this gibberish that I post. Also, I am sure there is some advantage to following- please leave a comment and let me know what happens when you add yourself as a follower... (I promise no purple Kool-Aid! It is safe to be my follower!!)


Catherine Anne said...

I'm so happy to be following your blog. Its nice to see just when you have a new update. If you ck on your dashboard you will see all the updates of the blogs you are now following.

Joe said...

but i want some kool-aid!