Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day!

May Day (May 1st) is celebrated in many places around the world. The traditions and stories surrounding May Day vary from place to place. There is, however, one thing that is similar in most celebrations - the use of Flowers!
One of the most popularly known May Day traditions is to hang a basket full of spring flowers and/or other small gifts on a neighbor's doorknob. The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss. We used to do this when I was a kid- cannot wait to resurrect the tradition in a year or two!


Mom said...

On the way to work today Barb and I were talking about how fun that was when we were kids. She missed out on it with her 4 boys (boys don't get into that kind of thing) but I remember you kids doing it with Rogers, Abels, Countneys. It was alot of girlie screamin' fun.

Nicole said...

It was so fun, I love May day! I hope to be a fun, involved mom like you!

Anne said...

Oh my gosh....May Day was a blast!! Our kids grew up doing the same May Day activities, but most of their friends had no idea what it was all about. You have to start it and the rest will follow!

Grandma Rodgers still leaves May baskets for our kids...and they're 20, 17, and 15. This year the boys got minnow buckets w/ candy. Jess received cookies in the mail at college.

Enjoy all of the traditions you start, and take part in as many as you can!