Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Allergy update

So, I didnt really post any exciting news from Lauren's 15 month pediatrician visit because it wasn't really that thrilling. She is doing fine, and she is dropping a little bit on her growth curve and  I am truley blaming her allergies and crazy food restrictions for the drop.  But anyway,  I was reading this post today on an allergy mama website that I read- and it got me thinking about her food allergies and how far we have come.  There is no new/ exciting news on the allergy forefront- she is still severely allergic to eggs and dairy and we will not be even considering more blood tests until she stops having frequent reactions- maybe not until she is closer to 18-24 months.  She has not eaten (to my knowledge) any foods containing eggs or dairy, her most frequent reactions occur when she gets kisses from her daddy after he eats something with eggs or dairy in them.
The good news, after reading this other woman's post I am realizing how routine and normal it feels to cope with her allergies! I am constantly finding new *fake* foods- like the two types of fake mayonaise I have tried.  It almost feels routine and I dont worry that often anymore. I think when other people join us for meals they worry it will be hard or strange, but it really turns out to be pretty simple and normal meals for us all. The only exception-  it is really hard for me to trust others. We did bring her to a daycare at the ski resort this weekend, and it was one of the hardest things I have done.  I was absolutely terrified that she would get her hands on a milk sippy cup. They promised me no milk in the room with her, and they seemed to take it seriously. And, they have an Emergency room on the first floor of the building, and wouldn't you know- no problem at all. Turns out - it just isn't the end of the world- whew!

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