Saturday, March 27, 2010

New movie for the grandmas

This movie is for the grandmas, everyone else might find it kinda boring. I just know that my mom watches the book reading video over and over, so I thought it would be nice to put a new "everyday" video out there. This is using my new camera (which I am not very fond of) so I am not sure how it will turn out.


Mom said...

This doesn't work for me. It seems to be blank.

Nicole said...

it works for me, and here at work too. Anyone else able to see it? You have to click the "play" icon- it is youtube.

Laurie said...

Works for me and it's DARN Cute! You can email the Youtube link to your Mom and it may be easier for her to watch. I upload many Ella videos and just send the link to the fam. Good luck!