Friday, July 15, 2011

"Corn Dog" dairy -free and egg-free

Hot Dogs (Hebrew National all beef kosher is what I buy).
Refrigerated Crescent Rolls- the kind that come in the tube (read labels, most are dairy and egg free).
Wooden kabob skewers

Spike the skewer through the inside of the hot dog, then wrap the hot-dog in crescent rolls. I tore them into strips so they would wrap better, and I made sure the hot dog was peaking out between strips. I am sure you could do it so they were totally covered, too. I used about 1 1/4 of the triangles per dog, by my hotdogs were pretty large. Then, lay them on a cookie sheet and bake per the instructions for the crescent rolls. I found I had to cook it a couple minutes longer, but I watched closely so it didn't burn. The hotdogs were hot and the bread was crusty.

Lauren ate one and a half of these- I could hardly believe it. She likes hotdogs but has never eaten more than a half of one of these big ones. I was in shock when she chowed it and asked for another. I had only made a second one in case one didn't turn out, I never imagined she would eat more than one. Now, I am not saying this is a particularly healthy meal choice, but it is a source of calories and meat~

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