Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to get a toddler to eat

Ok, so I am a mother to one child, just trying to figure it all out. I dont have too many tricks up my sleeve, but here is one that I would like to share. The power of the toothpick- yep that is right. TOOTHPICK. I have found that Lauren will eat just about anything if I make it fancy and spike it with a toothpick, preferably with a small pickle or slice of green olive. Pretty snazzy, right? Pictured are rolled up slices of turkey and ham, topped with tiny pickles. All of which she ate- BEFORE the strawberries. Yep, that is right- I got her to eat a source of protein and THEN chow down on berries and buttered noodles. This also works for us with small triangle shaped sandwiches, sliders, regular burgers cut into pieces, and just about anything you wanna spike with a pick. This trick has been working for me for a while- I waited to blog about it because I thought it may be a temporary victory, but it seems to be a keeper. Huh! I love it when I feel like a mom!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Looks awesome and thanks for sharing! I am going to try this and I'll report back!